We hope you will be our guest this Sunday at Covenant. "What should I expect?" is a question you may be asking and we want to provide basic answers to make your first experience at Covenant a pleasant one! Here are a few points to consider as you plan your visit:

Greeters are available at the front doors to the Fellowship Hall before Sunday school (9:30am), and Sanctuary before worship (10:45 am) to assist you. Expect a greeter to welcome you and provide you with an information packet. Please do not hesitate to ask for help! If you would like to receive a packet before your visit, contact the church office and let us know. We will gladly mail a packet to you!

Childcare is provided for Sunday school and worship. The location of our nurseries are in the Fellowship Hall in the following rooms: Infants - Nursery Room 1; Crawlers (up to two years old) - Nursery Room 2; two & three year olds - Nursery Room 4. 

Sunday school meets in the Fellowship Hall and is available for older children (two & three year olds thru Sr. High School) and adults. Ask a greeter or contact us in advance for more information on classes.

Worship and children: The Session supports parents training their children to worship by having them in the service. In the event younger children are unable to remain quietly in the service, a cry room in the back of the Sanctuary is available, as well as space in the foyer. For families needing additional space, the Fellowship Hall is available. A feed of the service is provided to enable families to still participate in the worship service. Children's church is provided for children 4-7 years old. Children will be dismissed for Children's Church during the hymn before the sermon. An adult volunteer will meet the children in the back of the sanctuary and escort them to their class room. Parents are welcome to accompany their children and then return to the service.

The worship experience: You should expect Covenant's liturgy to be biblical, respectful of our past (tradition of Christian worship) and relevant to our day. The central aspects of worship are the Word of God and the Sacraments (Baptism and the Lord's Supper). Thus the other elements (the call to worship, profession of faith, confession of sin, Scripture readings, prayer and worship music) support the ministry of Word and Sacrament. Covenant's approach to music in worship is best described as blended. You will find a blend of traditional hymns sung from our hymnal (Trinity Hymnal), old hymns put with newer tunes, and the use of newer hymns and spiritual songs. Worship music is accompanied by a pianist on a grand piano or our ensemble. Covenant's choir normally offers an anthem during the collection of the offering and is positioned in a choir loft in the back of our sanctuary.

What to wear? Covenant does not have a dress code. You will find some congregants "dressing up in their Sunday best" while others attend worship in casual attire. Please wear what you feel is appropriate and comfortable for you and your family. We do not want the issue of clothing to hinder anyone participating at Covenant.

Sunday evening: Covenant has a once-a-month Sunday evening prayer and communion service on the third Sunday of each month (September - May). We do have small groups that meet regularly on Sunday evenings (second and third Sundays) and throughout the year special events meet on Sunday evenings.

Covenant Groups: We seek to build a vital community here at Covenant through our small group ministry, Covenant Groups. One way we do this is through our small group ministry. If you are interested in trying out a small group, contact the church office or speak to a pastor or elder.