We have a passion to minister to children here at Covenant. Below you will find opportunities for discipling children as we strive with parents to raise up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Volunteers are needed. The Nursery offers a great opportunity to know, engage, and serve our smallest members and their families. Volunteers can contact the Nursery Coordinator, Jessica Allison, to sign up or for more information.
Sunday School
- Classes begin at 9:30 am every Sunday.
- Grades are 2's & 3's; 4's & Kindergarten; 1st - 3rd grades; 4th - 6th grades.
- To find a classroom go to the link What to Expect and scroll down to the building layout at the bottom of the page.
- We use Great Commission Publications curriculum.
Children's Church
- For children 4-years old through age 7.
- Meets in the 4's - Kindergarten classroom.
- We use a modified version of Great Commission Publications Kid's Question Catechism Club
- Children's Church is dismissed before the sermon. A note in the order of worship gives information about when children are dismissed.
- More information is provided in the link What to Expect.
- There are two nursery rooms. One for infants and another for under 2.
- There is a nursing room provided back in the nursery.