Covenant seeks to engage culture redemptively by speaking the Gospel message to our community and world and by demonstrating the love of Christ through acts of mercy! We partner with the following ministries to reach out in words of truth and deeds of mercy. Consider serving alongside and financially supporting these outreach ministries. Please contact the Church Office for more information.

RUF: Reformed University Fellowship | A ministry to college campuses

STEP Ministries: A ministry to Little Rock's inner city youth

IFO: International Friendship Outreach | A ministry to international students

The Orchard: A food pantry ministry | Covenant supports the Orchard Food Pantry which gives out food to the impoverished of Little Rock with the zip code, 72204, every Tuesday afternoon. Volunteers can help check in clients at 11:30am or help in the food delivery line from 1:00-2:30pm. The Orchard meets at Mosaic Church at the corner of University and Colonel Glenn.

EAIS: Evangelical Alliance for Immigration Services | A ministry to immigrants

Caring Hearts Pregnancy Center

Union Rescue Mission 

Deeper Still, Arkansas | A ministry to those with abortion wounded hearts

Dorcas House | A safe haven for women escaping abuse and/or addiction recovery 

Metanoia Prison Ministry | A ministry to inmates

Chaplain Ministries

Palmer Home For Children | A regional ministry to orphans

Livada Orphan Care | We partner alongside Livada as a ministry to orphans in Romania

Compassion International | A ministry to children in poverty

Local disaster relief | March 2023 Tornado Relief